Michael Divine

Writings :


The Sword of Laughter

"What matters is to move surely and calmly, with the appropriate humor and appropriate melancholy in the temporal and spatial landscape that we are."

Michael Krogerus - "The Decision Book"

One of the things I can thank my mother for (and there's many things) is instilling in me a healthily strong sense of humor. Dinner time in my house for the family of five would often see my dad recounting something he'd heard on Paul Harvey, a radio talk show host, while driving home from work. I'd remark on something I thought funny - some increasingly sarcastic off-hand comment. My mom would respond with a leveling up of the funny. Then I'd respond. And so on and we'd bat it back and forth like some kind of ping pong resulting in humorous guffaws and, much to my dad's chagrin, whatever he had to say was lost to the peals of our laughter but at least the dinner table was happy and smiling and, ultimately, maybe that's all that mattered.

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